LAPD 25 tips for a Happy Halloween

1. Children should trick-or-treat during daylight hours.
2. Children should never be allowed to go out alone on Halloween.
3. Children should never eat any treats until they have been examined.
4. All fruit should be cut and closely examined before eating.
5. Advise children that they should never enter strangers’ homes.
6. Never invite children into your home.
7. Children should never accept rides from strangers.
8. Children should never take shortcuts through backyards or alleys.
9. Set a specific time limit for your children to be out on Halloween night.
10. Give wrapped homemade treats only to children you know.
11. Instruct children not to stray from their group.
12. A responsible adult should escort children while trick-or-treating.
13. Adult escorts should carry flashlights.
14. Don’t leave your home unattended on Halloween night.
15. Keep pets inside your home, or other safe place on Halloween night.
16. Children should walk, not run, during their trick-or-treat activities.
17. Parents should know what route their children will be taking.
18. All costumes should be made of light-colored, fireproof material.
19. Children should wear proper fitting, comfortable costumes and shoes.
20. Props such as toy guns or swords should be made of pliable material.
21. Realistic replica firearms should never be used.
22. Masks should not be worn if they impair vision.
23. Wigs should be fireproof and should not restrict vision.
24. Children should always use sidewalks, not the street, for walking.
25. Children should look in all directions before crossing the street.